
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Guest Designer Anita Scroggins

We would like to welcome back Anita Scroggins today.  Anita is filling in for Design Team member Kay.  Anita has joined us for Norma's August Challenge "Get Creative With Textiles" and worked with some products from our August sponsor Faber Castell.

 For my layout I used a mix of papers from MME, Teresa Collins and Bazzill. To achieve my background look I first colored directly on my paper with Teal Metal Gelatos®, blending with a damp sponge. I tore strips of old book pages then, using my fingers, I dipped them in Faber-Castell® Gesso, wiped off the excess and applied randomly to the background paper.

For my chipboard I painted it with Gesso, let it dry, applied Teal Metal and Blue Metal Gelatos®
in layers blending with a dry sponge as I went.  I also applied Gelatos® directly to a damp sponge and used that to ink my paper edges.

I also dipped some seam binding in the Gesso and gave it the same treatment. One piece of the seam binding I rolled into a rose (lower left of page).

 For the twill ribbon across the bottom of the page, I applied a stripe of Blue Metal Gelatos® directly to the ribbon, then dipped it in Gesso - rubbing the gesso across the ribbon spreads the Gelato out and gives it a watercolor effect!


Thanks so much for your comments! We really appreciate you stopping by.